Tomorrow is my birthday party. I’m looking forward to it and hoping that some people will actually show up. Most of my good friends from work are either working the weekend or already have other plans. Little disappointed about that.
Tuesday is actually my birthday and aside from having a nice lunch somewhere, I was planning on having a drink after work. However in a very typical turn up, I’ll spend most of the afternoon and some of the evening in Hampstead Hospital having some tests done. The letter with the appointment was waiting for me when I got home this evening.
I can’t complain, I really can’t. I only went in to book the appointment on Tuesday and I for one will be doing a whole lot better once the results are back. Not how I planned to spend my birthday but ya know, shit happens.
Gillen has just blogged about Dylan, specifically using Like A Rolling Stone and it’s put me straight into the mood for some Dylan. I thought it had passed me by in the past couple of days but no, it’s right there. Given some short thought I do agree that it’s one of his most obvious moments and I think it is the song which sold me on Dylan completely. It’s glorious, it really is. I love his voice (not so much live in recent times) and Like A Rolling Stone really does match the music with the vocals so well. It’s a powerful piece of work and hits me right in the lonely spot. I love it and it’s one of the few songs that I have to give a little bit of attention to anytime I hear it.
I’ll admit I’ve not heard the full Dylan catalogue, to be honest I doubt all that many people have but here’s his top few songs in my not so humble opinion. It’s a fairly standard and unordered listing:
Like a Rolling Stone
Lay Lady Lay
All Along the Watchtower
Tangled up in Blue
Shelter from the Storm
Rainy Day Woman 12 & 35 *
*I always liked this but could give or take it on an album listen. Then I read the story behind it and it shot right up there. Recorded live in a single take, late at night with much merriment in the studio. The laughter and everything else in the background wasn’t deliberate, that was what was happening when the song was being recorded. It’s vivid and it’s so immediate.
Other stuff. I was at a birthday party this evening and stayed for alot longer than I had planned to. It was a good evening with some good company and lots of Guinness. I was going to head to bed and watch a movie but I’ve ended up fucking around online until it’s way too late for that…again.
Rereading Judd Winick’s Frumpy The Clown, I love it. It still manages to make me laugh on my third or fourth reading. So now I’m going to go and read a few more pages and then sleep.
Anyday now, I shall be relieved.