This morning I got up a little earlier than usual. I’m slightly hungover and I needed to have a shower and actually make it to work on time for once. I only managed one of these things and yes I smell just fine.

Trains break down, it happens. The annoying thing is when they do it at the station in front of you, which just happens to be the first of nine. So 20 minutes standing and of course I finished my book. Not the best way to start the day.

Last night was a good night. It started well enough, made it to the pub and had a few drinks with the usual lot before heading down to the Astoria to see Modest Mouse. It wasn’t great to be honest, it seemed fairly lacklustre. The sound just wasn’t there. It was coming from the speakers fine but there was no energy. I don’t think they suited the venue too well, it’s better as a club than a gig hall and the sound is better that way. Soulwax and the Spree were fine for it, the former had a huge sound and people dancing, the latter had everyone singing and a huge crowd involvement. MM had neither. It was a good set and I enjoyed it but it was nothing, nothing compared to seeing them in the Islington Academy (one of my gigs of the year no question).

On that note, the Frames announced another London date for early next year, out in said Academy so I picked up a ticket for that.

Anyway seeing as it was Astoria the gig was over early so it could get open again for the club. So back up to the pub where there was still a good crowd. And again, The Scream until closing time. Just Andrew and Ciaran this week but it was fun and mud-girl was quite entertaining.

The weekend is quietish. I want to swing by the Apple Store opening in London tomorrow, not sure I’ll actually spend money it seems to make way more sense right now to take advantage of the dollar rate and import a US iPod. The U2 one will cost me less than £180 which ya know I think I like. I’ll see what they have anyway and may well go for a goodie bag if there are any left. I’m also quite tempted to swing by Virgin on Sunday evening for the midnight sale on the new U2 album. Something to do and indeed maybe a goodie bag there too.

I have three articles to send off to Robot Fist. Two are finished (ish) and the third should be later this afternoon. I’ll probably ask my *KLANG* flatmate to read over them first so she can tell me if they are shit or something which may well get used.

My throat has taken this moment to remind me and indeed punish me for smoking cigars last night.