I’m really getting fed up with spam. Thunderbird is a nice mail client but it’s piss poor at learning from spam. I don’t know what else there is to really change too, I’ve got something in work I may well end up using at home but I’d rather something else for a change of scene.
Really fed up of viri too, I had at least 7 today and fucking Norton makes me acknowledge each one before going onto the next mail. I don’t care who it is from or what the email says, just delete the fucker.
Mildly annoyed by email this evening as you can tell.
The Apple store was of course sold out of everything interesting, very early too from the sounds of it. Still it’s nice, as nice as any other Apple store really. Once you’ve seen one, you really have seen them all. The U2 iPod looks quite nice and I think I may well get one. My flatmate has kindly offered to carry one back from that awful country next month so that’s all good…and cheap.
Fairly quiet day. The Apple store was of course sold out of everything interesting, very early too from the sounds of it. Still it’s nice, as nice as any other Apple store really. Once you’ve seen one, you really have seen them all. The U2 iPod looks quite nice and I think I may well get one. My flatmate has kindly offered to carry one back from that awful country next month so that’s all good…and cheap. Went onto the Washington afterwards with Alastair and then met up with various other V types and drank vodka for a few hours. Split up into a dinner party and a gig party. Hit Pizza Express in Belsize Park as part of the former and had a nice enough meal.
Then home to the net which is failing to entertain. A quiet day ahead I have to do some washing before heading off to Dublin for a week and nothing else really. I’m hoping to be able to do (or at least majorly kick off) the Robot Fist update tomorrow evening, my pieces went off earlier today but I have no idea if any are useable. Guess I’ll find out all tomorrow.
Gah, bored. I’m only still sitting here because for some reason I feel like blogging but have nothing to say. Guess it’s time to sleep then.
Strange conversations at close on 1am this evening:
[00:56:53] Nick: right i must go,, my bread machine is beeping at me
[00:57:24] Dave: um you mean the toaster?
[00:57:30] Nick: nooo bread machine
[00:57:38] Dave: ???
[00:57:39] Nick: is making a brown loaf of wholemeal bread at the moment
[00:57:58] Dave: what the fuck a) are you doing with a bread machine and b) doing using it at 1 am on a Saturday night?
[00:58:12] Nick: lol i like fresh bread, and it was only 20 quid
[00:58:24] Nick: and i started it 3 hours ago but it takes that long to make a good loaf of bread
[00:58:38] Dave: ok
[00:58:45] Nick: its nice, when it works
[00:58:58] Nick: which it often doesnt and i end up making brick shaped blocks of sludgy stuff
[00:59:10] Nick: or solid lumps of almost bread
[00:59:13] Dave: ah I thought something like that might be the case
[00:59:31] Nick: it seems to be fine tonight though
[00:59:43] Dave: well I will leave you to it
[00:59:46] Nick: the yeast was worrying me though as it did not raise as fast as i was expecting