2005 is off to a good start in work this morning.
Firstly, the masseuse, bless her decided to start in the little room my corner of technology sits in. Added to that, was a nice bit of extra time this morning and I feel so much better for it.

Secondly, by the time she got here just before 11am, I had finished 3 meetings, all pretty much sucessfully. My deadlines which were whooshing by me nicely, are whooshing by in general and there isn’t anything I can do about it.

melancholy and the infinite sadness

I’m very tired. I had a hangover from hell when I got up around 1.30 but most of that has cleared up now. It was good fun last night. Nothing like as debauched as last year which is a good thing. Finished up sometime shortly after 5… I think. That’s a little bit guess work tho. Not bad for having started in the pub at 5.30.

I did as you may have guessed have to buy a new keyboard. It’s not so bad as I had already been meaning to for a while. The space bar on the old one was dodgy, the coke bath just speeded up this process.

So 2004 is over. I won’t miss it. It was an uneventful year. Looking back, nothing actually happened. It’s just psychological I’m sure but as I had a long and hot shower this afternoon, the simple fact of it being 2005 made me feel a little better. I have no big plans for the year, well I say that but it’s not entirely true. I’ll have a good idea of my education plans within the next couple of weeks and that’s hopefully going to be a big thing. Holiday wise I’ve got two lined up already which is unusual. Russia in April and then Spain in May. Must really get some cash together to cover them both and everything else. Dublin a few times of course. Nothing specific planned there yet but I’m sure there will be a couple of visits.

A good 10 gigs lined up already with U2 still to announce dates. Safe to say I’ll be seing them a couple of times. I’m not sure it will be in Dublin tho. Glastonbury could well take priority.

And now off to watch a movie or something. More later maybe.

Happy new year.