In the cold harsh light of Monday morning, there are a whole lot of photos from Friday night. Some of them are really good, some of them are not so. They’ll be up on My Flickr profile tomorrow and some may go up here depending on how much effort I put into them. A few need cleaning up but on the whole it’s a nice set with some friends having fun…and drinking alot.
I tag most things on flickr as friend only so you’ll have to be a contact to see the good ones. There are 99 from me to go up and another 60 from a friend here which I shall probably add up too. Some chaff but lots of wheat. It’s made the morning far more bearable here, there has been a lot of gathering and laughing at them. Some are really awful in a funny way and some are really quite sweet.
I’m liking my little camera quite a bit. I need to be doing some more stuff with it. I have gotten into the habit of carrying it, but not of ya know using it.
The rest of the weekend was quiet. Went along to Alex’s birthday party for a while on Saturday night but I really wasn’t in the mood so didn’t stay for too long. Tonight is V poll where I expect to loose pretty badly but it should be fun. Fun evening.
I finally got around to watching some of the Des Bishop DVD’s I picked up last time I was in Dublin. The standup was very funny in places and I’d like to get to see him live sometime. The RTE show I’m not sure on at all. The gist of it is a documentary following Des around while he spends a month working and living on minimum wage. Some of it goes as far as to be harrowing and in places resonates a little too closely, but it’s sometimes hard to forget that despite you see him suffering and surviving on very little cash, he’s a (presumably) well paid comedian making a TV show. It doesn’t always take away from it, and don’t get me wrong I think what is on screen is pretty genuine it’s just a little hard to feel so sorry for him…sometimes. Othertime’s it’s easy, too easy. Last episode to watch tonight after pool.
Optimism. It’s such a strange and unfamiliar feeling. And yet there it is, bubbling below the surface, well it’s way more than bubbling, it’s running rampant and it *really* needs to be slapped down. Or something along those lines.
I’m listening to, and enjoying the new Moby album a whole lot. I’m not sure it’s going to last more than a few listens, it’s catchy stuff possibly just fluff. I liked Play a whole lot. It’s overplayed because of the ad sales of course but it’s got some excellent tracks on there. 18 had some good moments but overall not as good an album. I think this one will fall in between that somewhere. I’d love to have gotten tickets to see him at Garage. I saw him at a big stadium a couple of years ago and it wasn’t bad, in as small a venue as the Garage, I’d say he would be excellent.
I’m loving Firefox more and more. It’s a fine fine browser and this particular extension is rapidly proving it’s worth Ad Block. It does exactly what it says on the tin but it does it really well. It’s wildcard blocking is really nice, just load up a few of the top level domains and band ads across the board just disappear. It has the added option of a flash overlay for easy right-click and block. I like that so much. My auto-update does not seem to be working tho. I know that 1.0.1 is out but I don’t seem to get anything when I go looking. It may well be due to language packs. I don’t want to do a manual install as I’ll overwrite all of my plugins.