I’m still in the whole not reading thing. I know I only mentioned it a few days ago, but it feels like so much longer. I need a book that I’m excited about in order to get back into it. I was wandering around Waterstones this afternoon looking for something to jump out but I got nothing. It’s almost a shame I got a preview of the new Richard Morgan a few weeks ago otherwise that would have so done the trick. It’s annoying, it makes my journies longer or at least seem long. There is one slight advantage, I concentrate on the music. The lyrics become more important, it’s not just background, it’s all there is.
Alex and I went to see The Machinst this evening and unfortunatly it was pretty shit. The writer had obviously seen Fight Club and Momento and just played off them, badly. Christian Bale wasn’t bad, in places he was really good but he was working with a really poor script. Best thing about it was the trailers before hand. I am so excited about Batman and perhaps even more so Sin City Cannot wait.
On a comic related subject, I’ll be having me some of this Absolute Watchmen.
I see it’s confirmed that Yahoo have bought Flickr and indeed parent corp Ludicorp. I’m sorry to see it’s not Google or indeed us but hopefully it’ll loosen up some of the restrictions around limits and that.