I must admit, I thought it would last longer than this. Morale has dropped like a fucking stone around here. Seems the office change is just going to make the day a little easier but not have anything like enough effect to really help us out.

We are hiring around here at the moment. It’s an interesting position, nothing even worth applying for, I’d be laughed out the door but the long term goal of it is to change that and I like that. I don’t have a huge amount of faith in it but then again I’m somewhat of a cynic. Perhaps too much as it’s certainly a label I have around here but as I do say, I’m never really wrong about it 🙁

Strange day here. Been all over the place really and it’s showing music wise. I’d love to have just put my feet up and read for the afternoon but that sorta things is fairly frowned upon so I couldn’t really.

I aim, like last time, to take advantage of the fact my flatmate is away have a big cleanout. It’s added to this time that I want to get a whole lot of my comics into order and to flog some of them on ebay. Most of what I really liked I have replaced in trades already and I intend to with so many others. Ah the joys of comics. I also really really need to get some shelves in and get things into order. I have overflows on DVD, books and on CDs and it’s all really bugging me.

I just got an email from a friend, one in an ongoing conversation. Sometimes I forget that I know some scarily smart people. I guess it’s not all rocket science but the things that perhaps make perfect sense if I *think* about them just come so naturally to others. Almost spot on to, in a scary but also not quite so bad way. I just don’t know. Sometimes, I just don’t know. Apparently I worry too much, sometimes I think I don’t worry enough.

Perhaps it’s just worrying about the wrong thing. Sometimes I do a whole lot of that.

Man it’s quiet around here. It’s actually not, we are back in the ignorant fool country. If you have an office, the door is there for a reason. I hate people who have all their meetings loudly with the door open. It’s not good. So lots of headphones but there always was. In a space where there was 6 of us last week, there are now 2. So much more spread out and much less noise to signal as perhaps some could accused of being. So I like that, the idea of having some personal space again is quite nice.

Gah. I need to get home and walk Hebe. I also need to find something to do. I should watch a movie. For some reason I rarely sit around at home reading. I guess it’s having the computer there and so many things I can do to waste time on there. Every now and again I’ll read in my room but not enough.

I have to have a holiday this year. I am unsure I can afford it but it has to happen. It just has to happen. I need to sort everything out and put aside some extra money for a few months. Getting the ipod dented my reserves. It should be a very simple matter like so many other things, it never is.

It always taunts on the horizon and then other things just fall into place and it’s all crashing down. I have to get Dublin, Download, Scotland and Dublin out of the way and then the rest of the year is pretty clear event wise. So perhaps later in the year, October is the aim I can leave the country and see some more of the world. I don’t know where, I really don’t. France or America/Canada are big possibilities but at the same time I want more, give me more!

Sod it, they’ll fall as they do and I’ll pick them up and restack them as I always do. Welcome to my life.

Word of today is most certainly: arbitrary.