Oh the other thing which I watched, don’t laugh, was Enterprise. I wanted to see the Mirror Universe two-parter as I’ve always enjoyed them. It was …ok. It’s the first time I watched the show since early in the first season and it didn’t feel like I was missing anything. It was a little annoying for them to have the Defiant as being from so far in the future but then to look so much clunkier than anything else they had. Nice cameo’s for the old phaser but a little obvious. I’d have loved, loved and it would have made it such an excellent episode, to have had a man floating outside in a spacesuit at some stage. Hopefully there will be a good new Trek along sometime. The one thing it did have me missing was DS9. Sometime I’m going to have to get the cash together and pick that up in DVD. I’ve only seen the last few seasons once and I’m sure I could re-watch a whole lot of them quite happily.