A quiet weekend pretty much as planned. Lots of catching up on media stuff. 24 goes from silly to sillier without a break and it’s excellent fun. Lost was ok, a little disapointing after such a long wait, roll on the next couple of episodes. The Shield is fast getting back to being the best thing in TV. *So* good. Doctor Who was allright. I think I’m only still watching it for Christopher Eccleston who I’m enjoy lots as the Doctor but everything else about it is, lets face it, pretty shit.

Went to see Kingdom Of Heaven with my flatmate last night. I wasn’t bad. It was generally fun with some long dragging pieces. Some excellent setpieces for the siege scenes which made it all worth while. Orlando Bloom just stood around with the same look on his face but the rest of the cast were superb. I’ve only just found now on IMDB that the King who despite wearing a full iron mask outacted Bloom was played by Ed Norton. Hardly surprising about out doing him. Alexander Siddig was excellent although that may be nerd bias showing through. Overall, worth seeing but be aware it’s about 2.5 hours long.