Starting to think that I should have gone to Bristol with the cool kids this coming weekend. But at the end of the day if I want to sit in a pub for 4 days I can do it a whole lot cheaper in London and have just as much fun…well almost as much fun. Shame to miss the assembeled V and in particular V Scot but I shall be up their way next month and there will be hanging out.
So on Saturday a few of us who are not headed down to “Brizzle” will be having our own little drinkup in a nice pub out in North London. Hurrah. It should be fun and I look forward to it. The last time I was in the pub was for one of Neil’s brothers birthday after we had been out with the V in town and it was an excellent evening, lots and lots of fun.
The last episode of The Shield had a piece of music over the end that I liked a lot. So thanks to google and other such worthy sites, I’m listening to Worlds Apart by And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. It’s quite good, I think Doug has been going on about them before. Decent band, solid album. I’ll be keeping an eye out for some more.
Ooh comics. I recently re-read 100 Bullets to the lastet trade. It’s slow to start, really slow to start and I almost gave up after the first thread but once it all starts to come together in particular from issue 20-40, it’s an excellent series. The last trade was a little weak, it’s hitting issue 60 soonish (if not now) and another trade should be coming where I believe it all kicks off. The art ranges from annoying the hell out of me to enjoying it a whole lot.
2 of my 3 meetings today have been cancelled which is a nice start to the day as I’m somewhat hungover but feeling better by the second. Just a team meeting later this afternoon which should be quiet enough and that as they say is that.
I updated my nice shiny G5 to Tiger yesterday. It was painless as expected and it’s pretty. The UI looks to have had a minor overhaul and some lines are far more defined which I like. Spotlight is lovely, just what I want from a search tool and this is what the coming crop of apps should be aiming for.
I’m a very very late comer to The Smiths. It’s only been in the past few months when Alex was going on about them that I actually listend to any. It’s easy enough to see why they are held up so high. Listening a compliation at the moment. Some excellent lyrics going on in there, very simple but at the same time so much more.
Reading and enjoying the hell out of Jon Courtenay Grimwood’s Arabesk trilogy. Coming up to the end of the second book and it’s nicely written cyber-punk noir. I’ve borrowed another couple of his books off Dave and I’m looking forward to getting into them aswell.