“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our world of tomorrow”
I suspect that’s a Budhha quote. I like it alot. I’m going to have to tie these together soon.
Voted just after 9am, Green as explained yesterday. The place was completely empty aside from one old lady in front of me, I wonder how low turnout will be.
I was astounded that I there was no id check. Our polling cards for everyone in our flat block (8 flats) went through the front door and I just picked mine up when I got in one evening. So I assumed I needed some photo id too…but it said nothing about it at all. So I went along without, give them my polling card and that was that. I could have taken a polling card for several others in my flat and use that. The old lady in front of me was simply asked her name and address. She had some bills instead of a polling card but they didn’t even ask to look at them. How in the hell does all that work?
I am somewhat annoyed that I can’t go home and spend the evening watching the election results as they come in but it’s Nichola’s birthday and so it’s out and about in town. It should be fairly clear from around 2am so I should be in by then and perhaps a quick look on the TV before heading to bed.