I had a whole post planned out and sometime between getting off the bus home and getting to sit in front of my computer, it all just trickled away.
Work is going really really well for a change. I’m stressed as hell and I have this constant feeling of being in somewhat above my head but I’m still managing it all and I’m actaully really pleased with some of it. There are times when you just know you are doing something well and while it may not feel like it so much, I think I’m hitting that stride.
Tomorrow I go off on a three day training course in business report writing and I’m looking forward to it. It turns out to be a bad time to be out of the office and I’ll have quite a bit in the evenings to keep up with but ah well such is life. Then on Monday I officially start my new job. This I’m looking forward to a lot. I’ve spent a long time working to something like this and I’m pleased, yes pleased.
It helps that the course is very close by and I can walk there in about 25 minutes so yay for not having to run around like a madman.
I’ve just started reading William Taubman’s biography of Khruschev. In a very unlike me way, I have started reading no less than five books recently and given up on all of the within the first couple of chapters. Nothing wrong with the books at all, just me and my mood not being right for them.
Mary, answer your damn email!
Now to sleep.