and I’m nothing more than a line in your book

lines in a book.
Originally uploaded by davebushe.

I’ve already decided to relax the discipine part a little bit. If I want to post more than once a day, then I will. But the photos continue.

I’ve just spent about 15 minutes tearing my room apart. I needed a picture to go with this entry and I knew *exactly* what it had to be but did I know where the book was? Hell no. Anyway I found it and I got what I wanted so I’m happier.

Today overall has not been a bad day. Some of yesterdays problems have been sorted out and I’m pleased with that. Work is generally going really well and I’m pleased and optimistic. The coming weeks will be interesting.

I was in a presentation this evening, one of the guys was talking about our next big project and I was there to talk about some of the timelines and other things around that. So we are sat in the room and Mike is doing the demo. Once we reach the radio part, he moves off “All Metallica” which I thought was an excellent station to show the navigation and that. So up comes indie rock who are playing none other than Elliot Smith. Sometimes the world gets things right.

I’ve been meaning to talk about Elliot Smith for a few days. I only got into him sometime towards the end of last year mainly due to Robot Fist and others on the V talking him up a whole lot. I had heard of him before that, the first time I heard the name was in this Metafilter thread which was news of his suicide. For some reason it stuck with me but not enough to check out the music. Once I finally did, I was such a convert. I wish I’d been there from the start, I wish that I had known the music when he was around so that I could have the appreciation for him then that I do now. I know that it would not make a damn difference but it’s all I have to offer.

I don’t often talk about people up here, at least not in a meaningful way. I’m not quite sure why, some of it would be down to not being sure that what I write would be what I would say to them. While it’s less true these days that I would have a problem saying it, at least when I say it, it’s not words on a sheet with no background, no chance for a follow up, the words just sitting there. It can be hard enough in email or IM so it’s one reason I avoid it. The other is that it’s often more important and just the sorta of things I am generally less inclined to talk about.

My broadband was finally upgraded on Monday night. It made me so happy for a short time. It’s so nice to see the numbers ticking down that much faster.