Bright Eyes. Somerset House 11/07/05

I figured it out. It struck me earlier today what I need to do to keep this going. It’s very simple, I need some discipline.

I wanted to post a photo from last night to go alongside the piece that I wrote. So I did and I like the way it turned out. I was taking some more tonight while listening to Bright Eyes. He’s been called the “New Dylan” all over the place and it’s not that bad a label. The lyrics are there and they get to me sometimes. Tonight they got to me for a while and it had me thinking about a lot of things and I settled on discipline.

So starting yesterday here is the plan for this place.

One post a day max, with a single photo. The photo in someway should reflect what’s going on in my head. It could be a simple as a photo from a gig, or a picture of my desk. I won’t necessarily take it on the day, afterall I have close on 1300 photos up on Flickr to choose from.

Each entry will now be it’s own archive and I’ll put something up so that the last five entries or so on the side. That will probably be it for the time being. It may just be time for a fresh start for a while.

Anyway, that’s the plan. I’ll see how it goes.

It’s been a hell of a time at work these past few days. I’ve kinda changed team except I don’t know what I’ve changed to. I don’t work in localisation anymore, I’m not even a developer anymore. I’m doing two jobs as an “acting” at the moment and I have to say, I’m loving it. This is what I want to do. It’s stressy and it’s hard work but it’s good and it’s where I want to go. So I’m talking to my boss about making it official in some way. That’s all going pretty well and I have some hopes there.

Had a bit of jolt this afternoon. One of my projects fell apart in a fairly spectacular way. It’s not that serious and it’ll be back on it’s feet by tomorrow evening but the whole process that lead to hit flopping over was really poor and I have to get into that tomorrow. I was very unhappy for a while this afternoon.

I have decided that I want a good camera. I do want to go out and get myself an SLR, I may see what sorta deal I can get somewhere on that with a laptop and pay it off over a year or so. I’m not so good at the saving part of things. But I do want it, and I think I’d use it. Part of the reason I want to get a photo up here a day is to make myself use a camera more. I always feel like a twat stopping in the street to take a photo but at the end of the day no-one gives a fuck and I should just stop and take my photo and move on.

I’m trying to figure out what to do for holidays this year. I might have some money later on towards the end of the year and I’m keeping some days to make sure I can afford to travel somewhere nice and have a good time. But I’m also very strongly thinking about a week in Dublin at the start of August. I think it might help me to figure some things out and it would be good to not feel that I have to rush and get everything done in a few days.I don’t know, it all may just be an excuse. I’ll be back for a very short time in November, family wedding but if I were to do all of that, then that would be my holidays gone for the year, which actually means now as I type that and realise what it means, I probably won’t be doing it. I guess I should give my real holidays some serious thought and work it all out from there.