I generally only write a lot here when I’m annoyed or upset. It’s a nice outlet for things like that and I probably come across quite negative a lot of the time. When things are going well, I don’t always have the time and the inclination to sit down and type for a while.

When I’m trying to get something out of my system, it gets me to sit down in front of the computer and start typing and then that often just spirals into a lot more.

I should perhaps try and not accentuate the negative so much.

I think I need to get a laptop again. It would be handy to let me type when the feeling hits. Once I get Scotland/Dublin out of the way, I’ll see how much cash I have left and take it from there.

Kings of Leon on Sunday night in Hammersmith and then the holiday begins on Monday morning. Off to Scotland and then off to Dublin. I’m looking forward to it all very much. A week and a half out of the office