I want to type but I don’t really have much. I’m annoyed that Alex and Lawrence were unable to get tickets this evening. The organisation shown by Aloud/Glastonbury was really poor. They must have known the site would take millions of hits within minutes. Had this been something we had been doing, we would have been load balencing for weeks beforehand and the bloody emails would have been staggered.
Andy and I were booking together. So we shot off to the pub at 6.00 to have some dinner and a drink and then back to the office. Couple of computers with a good network and headsets on the phones to let us ring and use the interwebnet. So we chatted with the lads and then headed back to the office for about 7.45. By 7.55 the phone line for tickets was out of service, a BT error message. Then at 7.59 I got the email from Aloud with the link in it. As it was loading, I IM’d it to Andy and others. At 8.01 I had a ticket booked and about 20 minutes later got the confirmation email. Andy was seconds behind me
I have again come to some decisions and I am slowly acting on them. One worked out wellish previously but then it all fell apart in the end I want to fix that. The other just needs me to actually do something but I really really hope to be a student again in October. More on that as it develops.
I really wish that some people would take even some responsibilty. I know that I don’t always take as much as I should but at least I fucking take some. It’s just one of those things that comes with the job….that’s just reminded me I owe my boss an email doing just that. Note to self time.
I hate spam. It’s getting pretty bad of late. My filters are not the best but they do a decent enough job. I need to actually create a block list and set that in place but it takes effort that I don’t really want to go and put in. I will not however change my email address as a result of it.
I was caught by two April fools today. 1 before middday, the other after (boo!). First one was that Aloud had put Glasto tickets on sale early to members and to follow this link. I didn’t even think about it I just clicked. Doh. The second was far worse, it was something in work so not too much details but for a second the team were discussing pulling a product…then we looked at the attachement. Damn Canadians!!! I was really going for a second. It was really well done.
Right, guess I best leave it at that. Nothing else seems to be coming and I need to go and sleep.