I’m bored. It’s been a shitty day. I walked back into fuckloads of email and I worked through that for a while. For most of the day, I didn’t actually have anything that had to be done. I guess it’s a nice change but I hope it does not last.
It’s really amazing how much stress and worry comes back to you after a break. When I went to bed last night, I was sitting there thinking and worrying about all of the stuff I have going on that I wandered back into. It had been left alone for a few days, barely even thought of if at all and then boom. Stress just hit. It really dived in and here I am worrying about it all.
It’s really fucking nice to get a break like that for a while but at the end of the day, it’s just a break and it all comes tumbling back. Still it was good to have some people to talk to and more so to have more people now to actually talk to. All good.
Looks like after a couple of false starts I’ll be in Dublin for work in the middle of May…at the same time my dad is in London for work. Typical, but hopefully I’ll be able to get a weekend in there and see some folks again. It’s looking good from the exploratory email I sent my boss and we’ll see how it goes when everything is confirmed. That would be really good.
Spent a few minutes getting my calendar up to date aswell. There is so much going on at the end of May, start of June. Bristol, twice to see the Pixies and then the Download Festival in less than a week. Man I am going to be so shattered. I may well take an extra day after Download, thinking about it now. Still it should be good and I’m hoping for good weather and I know I’ll get good music and you know the rest will just work itself out.
I lost at chess today. Two games running and stupidly. I managed to win the third which pleased me a little but I guess the way things are going I really need to get on my game to keep winning.
Also slightly worried about RSI in my fingers/wrists. I’m noting that most days at work, my fingers feel stiff by late afternoon and it’s not very good. I guess I could try and type better, just realising that I don’t use my right ring finger at all. I should concentrate on that for a while and see what I can do. Ohh I have just realised that I tpye funny. I do use that finger but I have my right hand angeled slightly so that it’s not positioned over the right keys, but it gets the backspace and the enter key. Both of which I use a lot more than I should. I wonder if this is another habit I can break. I guessi I should try. They should be more little finger things. I don’t have a wrist rest I am happy with and have not for a long time, perhaps one of them or a “natural keyboard” which I usually hate would help some.
Anyway I guess it’s time for a quick trip to the local even tho I have set a goal of no booze till Thursday week for a catchup with the lads.