should the angels call, well it’s only then, i’ll pull in the reins.

I’ve been bad at this lately. Going to start off with a list and see how things can be built on.
– Smallville is really bringing out the inner geek, the moment where Chloe takes a new pen name to write for the Daily Planet and she picks LOIS LANE. There was quite a geeky reaction from me. And then in the latest episode we actually see the cape! In a vision of Clark’s death, we see him flying on at the end of the universe. However as someone commented on SK8J, it would have been so geekily cool to see a grey fist descending. And lastly, while I think they were perhaps toying with Adam Knight being Bruce Wayne, they do seem to have shied away which I think is a good thing but we shall see.

– Yesterday afternoon a few of us headed to the Natural History Museum to see the BBC Wildlife Photography exhibition, however as soon as we got there we found out it was full for the afternoon. So we just wantered around the Earth Galleries for a while and then went into town. Hit the Maple Leaf for a couple of pints of Molson and then onto the Mongolian Barbecue for a truly awesome dinner before finishing with a single drink in the Porterhouse. It was all good.

– Eve is awesome. There are now player owned stations and a whole new series of jump gates are in place. Skill training is going so well

– Goddamn after a SK8J lurking, I really really want to see Due South again. It was a great great show and went long before it’s time. I have some videos I picked up on the big time cheap a while ago, but I have no player for them. I can’t afford the DVD’s at the moment but something to put high on the list for the future. I had to go and download a copy of Ride Forever just to get through the afternoon. It’s such a great tune.

– I’m in the midst of writing up some thoughts for a Post Implementation Review (PIR) or as they are more commonly known a post-mortem. I’m struggling with it a lot, or at least I thought I was. I often find it very hard to criteque and I was worried I wasn’t writing out a document to as high a standard as felt was requried and as I really wanted to be honest. So I printed a couple of rough drafts and went over it with my boss this afternoon and it all seems to be fine. The couple of things he suggested needed changing I was already planning on, but just had not had enough time yet.

– Really pleased I managed to get all those Pixies tickets. I got 4 tickets for each night and I’m already short. Might have a spare coming through in work, hope so as it would really help out a couple of friends. Shall see how it ends up going.