So I woke up this morning and I didn’t feel very well at all. I would have stayed at home in bed but I really had to go in and see what I could get done. It was a fairly productive day. I didn’t actually get all that much done I found it really hard to concentrate but what I did get done was good and managed to get quite a few things back on track.

I have an on going issue with one of the guys that I work with which came to a head this evening and I have no idea what to do about it. I’m more than fed up with being ganged up on by someone else who is simply doing it to get at me. It seems to have just been taken to a level above me so I shall send an email when I’m back in the office and have a CC list on it.

I’m pretty much already off tomorrow, I tried to get home this afternoon but of course the call I have to be on was at 17:00 and I had to be there. Went home right after that and sat around doing not much. I watched Eyes Wide Shut which I like and played some Blood Bowl. It was one of my better showings.

I had my sister hassling me on AIM this afternoon, I have to plan my weekend at home already so that we can all go out to dinner and not clash with her busy social life. While not quite telling her where to shove it… so anyway Friday night we are all going out to dinner locally. Not sure about the rest yet, pretty much just taking it as it comes.

I should read more. Use of Weapons is a good book, well written but it’s not dragging me in and so I’m finding it very easy to put down and come back to later which I don’t really like.

I feel like I should be following up on what I kicked off a couple of nights ago. I am offline as the phrase is these days but I feel like I should be doing it here aswell. I’d like to about a couple of things but it’s all work and so ’tis not the best place for it.

I should go and sleep but I don’t want to. I’m not going to be able to lie down and go to sleep quickly, I’m going to be lying there and not sleeping. So I want to go and have some hot chocolate and then go and sleep.

It’s cold here, it’s gotten cold here this week. It was bad yesterday, really bad leaving work yesterday and today was more of the same.

Well I’m warmer now with a hot drink finished and I’m starting to feel like I should go and sleep now.