Every now and again one of the wheels on my chair crunches for a second if I shift position too much or sometimes if I even just move the mouse. And every single time I think there is someone standing behind me and I turn around thinking someone is reading my screen.

For some reason, that sound makes me really paranoid.

Going to see a preview of Hulk with the lads from my team on Saturday night and I’m looking forward to it.

Managed to win a game of chess last night which I was quite happy about. I’d gone from a streak of 8 wins to a streak of 4 losses so closing that off is a good thing. Headed to bed pretty early, I’m not feeling 100% at all so couple of extra hours sleep was a good idea I thought. Today I’m mad as hell. I’ve had another few days worked wasted and well, I’m mad as hell. I don’t know what to do about it tho.

The vending machine on our floor has been demanding exact change only all week. This has lead to a sever caffeine and sugar rush loss across the technology department, this has been funny to watch but not funny to suffer through. I was chatting in the kitchen yesterday afternoon and the three of us were just standing by the machine and it took a couple of moments to realise we were glaring at it and anyone who had the right change. It still wants exact change only despite 4 days of people who had the right change putting in the right change. Someone will eventually snap and email facilities, it will not be me. I can beat it!

I’m listening to the an old Stereophonics album; You got to go there to come back thanks to the joy of iTunes and it’s not bad actually, perhaps worth picking up. There is a bit of older live stuff on here too and I like that a lot. I heard a copy of the Evanescence album yesterday and while the single is tolerable with hints of it could have been really good, the rest of the album is pretty much a luke warm version of the single and it can all be classified rather simply as goth wankery. Cute chick tho and you know that counts for a lot.

I have to say I’m a little surprised. I sent some comics to a friend in the US a few weeks ago and my taste was vindicated when she really enjoyed them and in fact went out and bought some more books in the series. Let this be a note to you all that Barry Ween is just fucking awesome. I have a Barry Ween tshirt I got last week, I have to wear it more. But anyway we were talking earlier in the week and she wanted to go and buy some more stuff and I gave her some recommendations, prime ones being Fables and Lucifer. Fables was sold out in her shop, but she picked up the first three Lucifer trades. I was pleasantly surprised by this. Had that been me I would have picked up the first one and given it a try, not got the first three books in a series which I hadn’t read myself. That said, I was again right but I was also quite pleased.

I’ve not been posting much lately, I seem to have missed a couple of days which is funny as I could have sworn I had posted some stuff yesterday but then again, the week has flown by. Not fast enough of course, but we are getting there.