[19:00:18] Nick: how about some proper pool?
[19:00:43] Dave : nah played enough pool last night to keep me going for awhile
[19:00:54] Dave : tho on that note were you not going to send an email about some pool next week?
[19:01:14] Nick: that is true, i was indeed
[19:02:30] Dave : I had thought about going to blockbuster and getting something but then realised I was in fact too tired/lazy to bother
[19:02:45] Nick: hehe
[19:09:17] Nick: did you go over to Iains house to paint today?
[19:09:28] Dave : shit
[19:09:37] Nick: oops
[19:09:40] Dave : I knew there was something I was meant to be doing today
[19:09:45] Nick: eek
[19:10:47] Dave : ah well
[19:11:04] Nick: sure it be fine
[19:12:17] Dave : yeah I’ll give him a ring tomorrow