others, they’re searching for real life.

So a night out playing pool it was. It didn’t start well, Nick took a lead of three straight games and the scene was set. I took three of the next four games and then it was pretty even for the next while. I was no-more than one game behind at any stage. We were playing first to 10 games took it. So when it was 8 – 7 to Nick, it was getting close. However the next two games were mine, one of them in style as I cleared 5 balls in a row in sheer genius shots. Came to the black which was not on and joked I should take the shot with my eyes closed and the cue running behind my back. So I did and you guessed it, it went in. It was just one of those moments. Anyway that was 9 – 8 to me and while Nick managed to take the next game, I took the decider on a black ball game and victory was mine. We played a little 9 ball for a while and victory was mine too! All in all a good night.

Going to take it easy for the next couple of weeks. I want to get my cleaning finished and watch some of these movies which are piling up. Also I want to save some moolah for Glastonbury which is coming up fast and aswell as that I have to buy that suit. So yes, taking it easy. Work in the morning I think will be slow. Need to have a catch-up with my boss about the meeting last week and see if there is any definitive word on anything really. It would be nice having a little um security isn’t the right word but it’s kinda close I guess.

Google is your friend. You should remember this at all times.

Right, reading and sleeping are in order.