Airline Sued After Losing Woman and get this, she has been missing since the 5th of December!

So last night I had planned on being good and not drinking anything. I was going to go home and take it easy. This of course did not happen and I joined my team in the pub until we were thrown out. It was allright, a few good laughs. I have noticed many a time now and I don’t think it’s just me, that after I’ve been drinking colours are so much more vivid and everything looks more sharply defined than normally. Anyways it could just have been me.

This morning was not great, but not really bad either. The weather was quite nice, not all that sunny but very warm so after sitting at home reading for a while, I moved to the park down the road and spent about an hour lying on the grass reading. It was very nice, very chilled and something I really should do more often.

More to come later on comic stuff and latest reading material.