Empire have a great ad in the “Mini” series, let the page load and enjoy it’s worth the wait 🙂

Oh I finished that Koontz book “From the Corner of His Eye” and while I can’t think of a single truly great Koontz book, this like every other work of his is a good solid fun and more importantly enjoyable read. One thing that always strikes me about his books is that they are gripping, more than anyone else I have read, I find it very hard to put one down before I finish it….next up, a little different, look to your right for details 🙂

what can you say? what is happening in this world. It now looks 100% beyond doubt that the Anthrax is a terrorist attach, the House of Representatives in the US has just been closed after positive tests and it looks like seperate sources for the Anthrax. Meanwhile in the Middle East, one of Israel’s ministers has just been assasinated and Isreal has suspended all ties with the Palestinian Authority.

World War III? Unlikely…. I really don’t think it will spread from the Middle East, if it was going to, it would have already but still this seems to be the closest chance of it….

Work is stress, it’s as simple as that, regardless of the fact that in the background I have new Angel downloading and the pilot episodes of M.A.S.K (sad I know) and some other cool stuff, but damn it it’s stressy. I love the sound that deadlines make as they whoosh by. I’ve just come out of a meeting in which I’ve been told my deadline for a project was today…….funny thing was this is the first I have heard of this project 🙁

On whole other fronts, got a new battery for my laptop suppose to be a heavy duty one so that could be good, will have to check it tonight

hmmm wonder if I’ll have a play around with the code and maybe just have a days update rather than all the times….

“…my best friend always sticking up for you, even when I know I’m wrong..”

“Drops of Jupiter” by Train

So just hit first stage, applied for a new job and my application has just been accepted 🙂 whoo hoo

Changed blogger to leave the last 7 days posts up, had to set to number of posts, but with the simplicity of blogger bot I can see more postings

So it’s done, now the only thing to do is to sit back and wait for a reply.It’s nice to be excited about something again, shame everything else on that front isn’t going as well.

Tonight should be good, I have new Enterprise, New Alias and lots of Thundercats to watch 🙂 Gonna veg I think