I’d just heard a nice thought in a song I was going to post, but now I’ve lost my thoughts and can’t find the song again, I’ll try again later.
Yes the people responsible for masterminding the events of September 11th should be brought to justice, don’t forget the people who actually carried out the events are already dead. Watching the US and her allies fire missile after missile and send bomber after bomber seems like a bit of overkill to say the least.
I wonder what the US and her allies response in the war against terrorism will be when they turn to Northern Ireland. Shall they bomb Dublin or London first?
OK it’s been an evening. When I first started online I use to hand around in a B5 chat room, in fact I lived there for a long time. For varying reason the chat room no longer exists and the people have drifted over time. But every now and then there is a get together. I really miss some of these guys, this brings back so many good memories. I miss those days sometimes
So war has just begun. Foces lead by the US, but also including the UK have attacked Afghanistan
I’ve just renewed an old friendship. It was something that had been running down alot lately, while we were still spending some time together, it just was not quality time. Things have changed, I’ve gone back to basics. Right now I’m able to see new epsiodes of Buffy, Angel and Enterprise mere hours after they air in the US due to the wonderfulness that is IRC. Gone are the days where I would wait months or I would have someone in the US tape episodes weekly and stick them in the post, no hours later and I’m up to date.
The net and I had been kinda stuck in limbo recently I was using it for chat and nothing else. That’s changed 🙂
Now I just gotta track down some other stuff 🙂
It’s quite true, anyone know who said this? leave a thought below if you do. I would like to know. Thanks 🙂
So many things going on in my mind at the moment. One thought coming through strongly the last few hours, somewhat releated to last nights postings about change. I have changed alot lately.I don’t really know how to describe it, I’ve really gotten into Graphic Novels and TPB’s (Trade Paper Backs, collections of single issue comics) recently, perhaps in no small way influenced by my discovery of Sandman and what I am collecting is tending to be all on the Vertigo/Image side. Ok some of it was recommendations from others, Kabuki and the ABC stuff, but recently Powers really did it for me, I’m getting into 100 Bullets and today I read the first volume of Transmetropolitan which I really enjoyed. None of these are kids comics, they have a “mature content” label. At the same time, I’m also going for Batman stuff, always one of the darker reads, some of the old stuff, around the death of Jason Todd (Robin 2) is really dark, also going for the team stuff, Stormwatch started quite high, not too thrilled with the second volume, and I can’t figure it I am really enjoying late 90’s Superman and JLA. Ok unless your a comics buff I’ve so lost you but it’s kinda strange. One over-riding thought is NOW I know what really good writing is.
On whole other fronts completly. Every now and then, I have these meetings where I just come out so de-motivated and depressed that I really wonder if there is any chance this will ever change. I have to keep telling myself it will, and soon. But that’s getting real old, how many times can I convince myself of that before I finally realise it won’t and that I only have one option. I guess that’s going to be soon, There is a pretty major date coming up next week for things to change and I will have to see how that ends up.
Ok so thinking on it, it’s my birthday in a couple of weeks, seems like an appropriate deadline to me. It could be a time of change, one way or another it will have to be. I don’t want to have to leave, I can’t for the life of me figure out why not, but I don’t. I’m doing everything I can to sort things out but it’s not enough. Is anything ever enough?
and the world turns….
Timing eh…..you think about stuff then you find out it happens, I’m reminded of an old phrase…”loose lips sink ships”….tis interesting
Anyways, ever decide that something is just not worth it? That when it’s all said and done what’s the point? I’ve got there now, somethings are just not worth the effort, or in this case tolerence anymore. Trust, it’s hard to get and so easy to lose.
Hey, I never said I would be consistent or even logical!
www.friendsreunited.co.uk actually contains Irish schools and indeed the schools I went to, I don’t know why but I signed up, it’s not gonna mean anything but for some reason I felt like it. There are some people I would like to hear from, various people I use to know who I don’t know for various reason or another.
There is allot of nostalgia going on lately. thinking about stuff that was or could have been, spending allot to get my hands on a comic from my childhood, going after 80’s tv shows to download like mad (currently collecting Transformers and Thundercats). I can’t think why, nothing major has changed in my life all that recently. I did have a somewhat big change a few months ago and that has been a huge effect, but at the same time it’s not. Anyways I don’t know there is at least one person out there I owe a massive apology to, I quite unsurprisingly fucked up and boy did I do it big time. Think I’m ever gonna be able to tell them that? lol nah I guess years down the line, more of my generation will be using sites like that but for the time being not looking like it will be much of a muchness
This is way too futuristic for when it should be set, I mean I know we can do so much more in effects, but if the point of this is to capture the feel of TOS, they could have done it a little better (or worse as the case may be)
Still suffering this cold, but it’s alot better now 🙂
Sitting in work watching the pilot of ‘Enterprise’ so far so good, but it seems way too futuristic for a prequel to TOS. I am actually quite enjoying it 🙂